Friday, October 21, 2011

Even in our weakness, God's power is strong!

A missionary was once guest lecturing in a college classroom of future church planters. Among other topics, he was to speak on the subject of God's power. To illustrate this truth, he told a story from when he first arrived on the mission field. A missionary with little money but great zeal, he realized his need for transportation around the country. After a few weeks, a new convert of his learned of his predicament and offered to give him an old car. The only problem with the car was that it wouldn't start without some manual help. Not deterred, the missionary figured out a plan to get his car going. He would ask strangers on the street outside his home for help pushing his car every morning, then he'd either park on a hill or leave the engine running as he visited homes. His plan worked well, and the car was of great use to him over the next two years.
Suffering from sickness, the missionary was forced to return home for some time, but before he left, he met with the missionary who was to take his place. He explained to him the workings of his ministry, then showed him the car and proudly described the routine used to get the car going. As the older missionary explained his "plan," the younger one looked under the hood of the car at the engine. After a few minutes the younger missionary said, "It looks like the only problem with this car is a loose cable." After connecting some wires, the car started automatically. The older missionary stood in astonishment. He had been needlessly struggling with the car for two years when the power was there all along. All he had to do was connect the cables!

I've learned this lesson many times before, and am currently learning it again.  Last week I fell on our concrete back porch and severely pulled the muscles in the back of my leg and suffered from severe muscle spasms for many days, also had a hard time sitting and standing.  The day after I feel, I went to work only to find out a few hours later that I was laid off.  All that went through my mind was how was I going to pay all my bills?  How was I going to provide, buy food, pay the electric bill?  How was I going to pay for my health insurance that I HAD to keep because if I lost it I would never be covered for my back injury again?  All these things went through my mind as the tears rolled down my face.  For days I felt like a failure.  I felt as if everyone had a job except me.  When I went to the grocery store I felt as if everyone had plenty of money to pay for their food except me.  I know I was having a pity party, but in all my years I had NEVER lost a job or been laid off.  I was and am in a position I have never been in before, a position in which I must rely completely upon God and God alone.  I still don't know what I am going to do, it's been a week and still no job, but I keep reminding myself every day that God is in control, He knows what is best and He has the best job for me.  Sure, I still find myself wanting to creep back into my self pity stage because I am human, but I just remind myself that God loves me and He is watching over me.  Try as I may, this is a problem that I cannot solve myself.

Sometimes we can become like the older missionary. When faced with a problem, we seek our own solution and struggle needlessly. However, God wants us to realize that even when we can't solve a problem, He can.
No matter what struggle we have in our lives today, let's determine to trust God and let Him provide.