Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I am thankful for America

One morning on the TODAY Show there were approximately 20 people who were there to take the oath and become a United States citizen.  It was a very touching ceremony that I just could not get out of my mind.  I decided to research everything that was involved in becoming a United States citizen and I was amazed to find out all of the various things that has to be done to become a U.S. citizen. 

The time between sending in the application and the interview can take anywhere from 5 months to 2 years.  The swearing in ceremony can take up to 180 days after the interview.  There is a lot involved in becoming a citizen.  Among many other things, one must first submit an application, get fingerprinted, learn the English language, attend an interview and take tests. This doesn't include the money that it costs to do all of this.

The oath states, "I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

It was refreshing to see the tears flowing down the cheeks of those becoming U.S. citizens.  They truly realized the importance of being a citizen and they actually had to pay, in more ways than one, a price to become a citizen.  It touched my heart to see the joy in their faces, but it also smote my heart because even though I do not mean to, I take my citizenship for granted.

It is a shame that those of us that were born in America take what we have for granted.  Not only should we be thankful as parents for what we have, but we ought to teach our children to be thankful.  We need to teach our children about the men and women protecting our country.  Maybe get involved in sending cards or boxes to the soldiers.  Teach them the true meaning for the 4th of July and Memorial Day.  Teach them to pray for our President and everyone in the White House.

Let's determine to not take our citizenship for granted and determine teach our children the importance of being thankful for being born in the United States of America.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Recession vs. integrity

Integrity is a very important characteristic.  Integrity is not something that we are born with and it is not something that we can learn over night; however, it is a characteristic that we as parents should possess.   It is also our duty as parents to make sure that our children are raised to have integrity.

The recession has a way of showing the lack of integrity in a lot of people.  I recently heard on the news of a lady with a new born that had to go out of the country for approximately 8 to 10 months, so she had the post office hold her mail, she locked up her house securely and headed out of the country. When she came back there was a woman in her house.  When the owner of the house asked the woman what she was doing in her house, the woman told her that she found the house empty, had water, sewer and electricity turned on in her (the squatter's) name; therefore, the house was now HER house!!!!  My jaw dropped when I heard this story.  Needless to say, the squatter does not have integrity because someone with integrity could not live in a house that did not belong to them unless they had permission.  So now the owner of the house has to live in her own house with her toddler and the squatter because she does not have enough money to pay an attorney to fight this for her.  All the while, the squatter is living in the house free of charge!!!

How can we make sure that our children have integrity?  First of all, by our example.  We need to make sure that our children see us being honest.  If the cashier gives us too much money back, we need to make sure our children see us give that money back to the cashier.  We need to teach our children that if it is not theirs, DON'T TOUCH IT without permission from the owner.  Teach them to be honest in everything.  Teach them not to lie.  Teach them that a "little white lie" is the same as a big black lie.  Teach them to be respectful to their elders. And especially for the months coming up, we need to make sure that they see us filing a honest tax return.

One thing that I did with my children was every night for devotions we read a chapter from the book of Proverbs.  All the books of the Bible are important, but the book of Proverbs is a very important book to teach and apply whether we are on our own or whether we have children.

Let's determine to not let the recession show our lack of integrity; instead, let's determine to use the recession by allowing it be a learning tool with your children.  Let them see us living and doing right no matter the consequences and no matter the state of our economy.  Integrity cannot be bought.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Debates are not for the home

As we all know, it is political season.  You cannot turn on the television without seeing commercials of one candidate putting down another candidate. 

A home should not be run like a political debate.  When the parent sets the rules, the children should abide by the rules.  It should not be open for discussion and the children absolutely should not be bashing your rules.  As a single parent it is very hard because many times you have 2, 3 or 4 kids against one parent.  Because we as single parents do not have anyone backing us up, it is sometimes easier to just give in.  It becomes easier to dismiss the comments bashing our rules.  Sometimes we become too tired so we easily give in and let our children have what they want.

Our children are priceless, they cannot be replaced and we only get one chance.  We need to realize that we are molding a masterpiece in each one of our children.  God has entrusted us to raise, nurture and care for each child that we have.  The trust that God has placed upon us to raise our children the right way should not be taken lightly. 

The time to start molding is the day that cute, little, chubby hand reaches out for the crystal bowl on the table.  The word "No" resounds through the house, but the little darling turns around, looks straight at you and touches the bowl anyway.  That is the very second they need to learn that it is not a discussion, it is a rule and there are consequences for disobeying and breaking the rules.

Children need the security of knowing that their mother or father loves them enough to teach them the consequences of disobeying.  When they become adults they are going to have to see first hand that there are consequences for not doing what they are told to do.  If they were not required to obey as children, they will find it very hard to obey as adults.  While at times it may only cost them their jobs, at other times it may cost them their freedom because they may be locked up in jail. 

Our homes are not the place for debates.  Let's determine to teach our children the importance of obedience right away, and teach them to obey without questioning it.  And let's have a home where the only debates are the ones on the television.

Have a great week!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Are your kids a basket case?

I've never really given much thought to the mother of Moses until the other night.  I was thinking about the fear that she must have felt when she knew she had to do something with Moses or he would die.  They did not have the transportation back then that we do now so it wasn't as if she could put him on a bus or plane and send him out of town.  I can't even imagine what must have been going through her mind at that time, yet she found the strength and courage to calm her nerves and build a basket that was strong enough to stay afloat while cradling a baby and strong enough to keep Moses safe and warm.  She lovingly weaved each piece that went into the basket and made sure there were enough blankets to keep him warm.  I would imagine there has never been a basket made with as much love and concern as that one. 

However, her fear, anxiety and apprehension was not over.  She then had to put Moses in the basket, place the basket in the water and push it down the river, not knowing if she would see her son again.  Her heart must have been beating out of her chest as well as breaking in two.

We too are like Moses' mother, while raising our children, we are weaving baskets for them.  Training is weaved in with love, protection, care, sorrow, happiness and memories.  One day that basket is finished and it is time for our children to "go down stream" to a life of their own.  We feel the same apprehension, fear and anxiety that I am sure Moses' mother felt.  We can only hope that our basket will keep them on the right path, keep them serving God and one day help them become the man or woman that God wants them to be.  It is a very scarey thing to watch your children go and build a life of their own, yet it can be a very happy time as well.  If we have raised our children to serve God and we've instilled Godly morals and values, we will see that our baskets have sent them down the right path.  Like Moses, they too will have times that will make us question as to wether we built the basket correctly, but God is in control and He will honor the time, sweat and tears that we've put into our children.

Perhaps your children are not to the point where they are ready to be sent off yet.  Now is the time to instill those Godly morals and values.  It is never too late to start.

If your children are not yet grown, determine to raise them they way God want's them raised.  Instill the Godly values and morals NOW.  If your children are grown, determine to pray DAILY for them, pray that they will remember the things that you've taught them and that they will strive to be a Godly young man or woman.

Moses was a basket case and your kids can be too!

Friday, August 3, 2012

God is a God of do-overs

I haven't been blogging for a while because I've been in the middle of a move.  I am finally in the new home and out of the old one, but I still can't find a lot of things.  Oh well, I'm sure I will find everything before the next move.  LOL

The other night I was thinking how nice it is to finally get all of my possessions into a new home and start decorating the new home.  Even though I hate moving, I like the fact that I get a fresh start.  If I fell behind on coordinating the closets, organizing the cabinets or drawers or just let a few things go, I can always start over fresh in a new home.

It is the same in our every day lives.  A lot of times we mess up our days by saying the wrong things, doing the wrong things, not doing what needs to be done, kicking the dog or whatever.  God allows us the chance to start over fresh the next morning, as children we used to call it a "do-over".  Perhaps it wasn't just a day that we messed up, perhaps it was a whole year.  God lovingly provides us a new year to start fresh. 

Everyone has bad things happen in their lives, the key is to not dwell on the bad things, ask for a do-over and start fresh.  If you have a last name that has bad people or bad deeds tied to that name, determine to start over fresh and make your last name a good name.  If you have a household that is not serving God, start today having family devotions, attending church regularly and living for God.
Maybe you have a broken relationship that you would really like to see repaired.  Go to that person today, ask for forgiveness and repair that relationship. 

Let's determine to remember that we are not doomed to live a life filled with mistakes.  Let's ask God to forgive us where we have failed and ask Him to bless our fresh start.  He truly is a God of do-overs!

Thursday, June 28, 2012


My son and I are in the beginning stages of packing boxes and looking for a place to move in to.  When you live in a place, you start buying items to decorate your house and you go to yard sales to get things that you never needed in the first place.  When it comes time to move, you find that during your stay in the house, you've become a pack rat and you have more possessions than you know what to do with.  So, you begin to wade through all of your possessions, put what you "don't need" in a yard sale, only to start over again once you reach your new destination.  I know I can't be the only mom that does this..... I hope!   Moving has always been one of the things that I just detest.  I love once all the boxes and furniture are in the new place and the decoration begins, but I really dislike everything that occurs before that. 

Tonight I was sitting in my chair thinking of all the things that needed to be done and I begin thinking about possessions.  Many times in our quest to get more things or the quest to find that one special thing that would look good in that one special place, our possessions become clutter.  No one likes clutter, but everyone has it.

Our lives are a lot like our houses.  When we are first saved we begin reading our Bible, having our quiet time with God, going to church any time we can and craving for spiritual things.  Then slowly but surely the Devil starts bringing things into our lives and he convinces us that we just have to have the world's toys so we soon begin allowing those things to enter into our lives and then our lives become like our house, cluttered.  We forget to have our devotions because there are so many worldly things in our lives that blind us and demand our attention.  We can't see spritual things any more because the worldly possessions have us blinded to the things of God.  There is a saying that goes like this, "One man's trash is another man's treasure"  Don't make the trash of the world your treasure and don't let your children do it either.

Let's determine to clean house, get rid of the worldly clutter, get back to family devotions, praying together and going to church.   Let's clean house!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!!!

What is a single mom?

     A single mom is someone who tirelessly takes care of her children even when she has no energy left.
     She gives medicine and kisses away the boo-boos even when she has no one to take care of her.
     She makes sure her children's stomachs are full, even though she hasn't eaten a good meal in days.
     She makes sure that her children's birthdays are special and fun even though no one has recognized her birthday in years.
     She spends her last dime to buy warm clothes for her children even though she is in dire need of  warm clothes herself.
     She sees potential in her children even though no one else does.
     She forgives her children even though they have not asked for her forgiveness.
     She makes a home where her children feel safe.
     She loves her children unconditionally, and wants nothing but the best for them.
     She prays for her children and believes in them even when everyone else has given up hope.
     She wears the "jewelry" that her children make for her and she wears it proudly to work and the grocery store.
     She makes sure that her children get as many gifts on their Christmas list as she can possibly afford on Christmas even though she has not been able to get anything on her Christmas list for years.
     She showers her children with unconditional love even though she herself has not felt love for many years.
     She spends the day with her children because here is nowhere she would rather be.

To all of the single mothers out there, I salute you.  I know exactly what you are going through and I encourage you to press on.  I encourage you to be the best mother you can be because you are the one your children believe in and rely on.  You are raising tomorrows future.

Happy Mother's Day to the best mothers there could ever be!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

God understands

What do you think of when you hear the story of the disciples in the boat and Jesus walking on the water towards them? The first thing I think of is the disciples' lack of faith.  They were friends with Jesus, they knew Jesus would not let anything harm them and yet they were genuinely scared.  Each time I've heard the story it has always been pointed out that the disciples should have had more faith.  While that is true, I would like us to focus on the first part of the story.

In all of the confusion of the wind and seas tossing everyone about and the disciples crying out in fear, Jesus softly calls out to them and says, "Be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid".  Jesus could have rebuked them for their lack of faith, but He was concerned for them and He understood what they were feeling.  He was not focusing on the fact that they were not trusting in Him, He was focusing on them and how they felt during a very confusing and scary time. 

Are there storms tossing you about?  Are you afraid of what lies ahead of you?  Do you feel as though you might be swallowed by the very waves that are thrushing around you?  Jesus understands exactly what you are feeling and He cares.  He wants you to know that He is right there and He is watching out for you and protecting you.  There is nothing that can harm you without going through Him first.  Sure, we should trust God and look to Him for directions, but in those times that we are paralyzed by fear, in those times that we cannot find the words to say, in those times that we are sure we will be swallowed up by the waves that are tearing at our souls, He understands and He cares.

Let's make a difference by reminding ourselves or maybe someone else that Jesus cares and He understands what we/they are going through.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

God wants to hear you sing

God wants to hear you sing when the waves are crashing round you
When the fiery darts surround you, when despair is all you see
God wants to hear your voice when the wisest man has spoken
and says your circumstance is as hopeless as can be,
That's when God wants to hear you sing.

My children and I are singing the song "God Wants to Hear You Sing" in church on Sunday night. Another part of the song says, "He loves to hear our praise on our sunny days... but when suffering comes along, and we still sing Him songs, that is when we bless the Father's heart"

To be honest, it's been hard to sing lately.  However, I was recently reminded of the importance to sing praise to God no matter what was going on in my life by a little bird.  Lately we've had a bird right outside our front door that sings it's little heart out all day long.  The strange thing is, when night falls and it is very dark outside, he still sings his little heart out.  I thought it was a bird that perhaps just forgot that night had come or perhaps he had more to sing and wasn't ready to quit, but this continued for about 2 weeks.  God convicted my heart through a little bird.  If a bird can sing even though darkness has fallen all around him and he has no idea of the prey that might be out there lurking, I should be able to sing praise to God even when it feels like night all around me. It took me almost two weeks to get the message God wanted to me to get from that little bird and then he was gone.  Perhaps he is now perched outside the door or window of someone else that needs to be reminded of the same thing.

Am I saying that life is now a bed of roses and I sing every day and night just like that bird?  No, I don't think God was trying to tell me that if I sing when things are going bad that the sun will instantly come out and I will have no more worries, that is just not how life is.  But if we sing to God when our heart is breaking, it encourages our hearts and reminds us that God loves us and that He cares when we are hurting.  Singing when we are alone and in the deepest pit of despair reminds us that God is with us wherever we are, He will never allow us to walk alone and He will give us the strength to make it through another day. 

Are you faced with problems that overwhelm you?  Is your heart breaking to a point that you are not sure if it will ever heal?  Do you feel like no one understands what you are going through?  Sing to God even though you might not feel like it, sing and remind your heart that God is there, He cares and He will be there for you.
Perhaps you are not going through a trial right now, but you know someone that is, remind that person to sing and remind them that there is not a problem too big for God.

Let's make a difference and SING!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012


If you have teenagers that text, chances are you know what BRB means.  I was texting my son one day and in the middle of our "conversation" he sends me a message that says BRB.  I could not figure out what in the world he was trying to say to me.  I sent him a text to see what he was talking about but he did not respond.  A few minutes later he started texting me again and picked right back up where we had left off.  I later found out that BRB stands for Be Right Back.

I wonder how many times God has tried to talk to me only to get a reply from me, "BRB".  Perhaps it was in church when He was speaking to my heart through the message and I was distracted by something going on around me, or perhaps I started thinking about what we were having for lunch, or what I had to do at work the following week.  Perhaps it was during my devotions that God tried to speak to me and I was too tired to stay awake, or too anxious to find out what was on TV, or needed to hurry to finish up a few things before either starting the day or finishing it. 

What if God told mes BRB right in the middle of my sobbing and pouring my heart out to Him?  What if He got distracted during my prayer requests because I was taking too long?  What if God fell asleep while I was talking to Him because He had experienced a long day and just could not stay awake?

I am so very thankful that my heavenly Father does not send me a message saying "BRB".  I am thankful that God WANTS to spend time with me, He looks forward to spending time with me and He does set a time limit for me.  If my heavenly Father listens to me without distraction, does not set a time limit on me and gladly hears anything that I want to say, then shouldn't I do the same for Him?

Let's determine in this new year to listen to God's voice and not become distracted.  We as single parents have so many things competing for our time that it is very hard to give everything and everyone the time that they deserve.  God should be at the top of our priority list and not at the bottom.  Let's spend more time listening to God, He will make everything else fall into place.

Have a great week!!!