What do you think of when you hear the story of the disciples in the boat and Jesus walking on the water towards them? The first thing I think of is the disciples' lack of faith. They were friends with Jesus, they knew Jesus would not let anything harm them and yet they were genuinely scared. Each time I've heard the story it has always been pointed out that the disciples should have had more faith. While that is true, I would like us to focus on the first part of the story.
In all of the confusion of the wind and seas tossing everyone about and the disciples crying out in fear, Jesus softly calls out to them and says, "Be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid". Jesus could have rebuked them for their lack of faith, but He was concerned for them and He understood what they were feeling. He was not focusing on the fact that they were not trusting in Him, He was focusing on them and how they felt during a very confusing and scary time.
Are there storms tossing you about? Are you afraid of what lies ahead of you? Do you feel as though you might be swallowed by the very waves that are thrushing around you? Jesus understands exactly what you are feeling and He cares. He wants you to know that He is right there and He is watching out for you and protecting you. There is nothing that can harm you without going through Him first. Sure, we should trust God and look to Him for directions, but in those times that we are paralyzed by fear, in those times that we cannot find the words to say, in those times that we are sure we will be swallowed up by the waves that are tearing at our souls, He understands and He cares.
Let's make a difference by reminding ourselves or maybe someone else that Jesus cares and He understands what we/they are going through.